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March For Life Pennsylvania : Calling All Lutherans To Take A Stand

Gather with Lutherans at the March For Life Pennsylvania

The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod is Call On All Lutherans

Families, friends, and interested laymen and women are invited to the Hilton in Harrisburg, One N. 2nd St. on September 23. A full breakfast free of charge will be served from 9-10 AM. At 10 AM Scott Licht of Lutherans for Life will present on “Life in the Darkness,” and Maria Gallager of the PA Pro-life Federation will give us a legislative update as the Senate and the House reconvene that day for their new session. We will walk the few blocks to the capital building for the 11 AM Rally and 12 Noon mile march. Join us as we work together as Lutherans to uphold the teachings of the Bible about the value and dignity of each and every human life created by God. More information is available on the March For Life PA Page. If you will be attending, please sign up on the sheet in the narthex.

It is time for the Lutheran Church in Pennsylvania to stand up and be a voice for the voiceless. Pastor Seifferlein recounts a story from his first time attending the March for Life Pennsylvania and how other attendees had never heard of “Pro Life Lutherans” as most of the buildings in the Lancaster, Lebanon and Harrisburg area with the name “Lutheran” on them are actually anti life and promote the slaughter of the innocent. Join your brothers and sisters from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church as we lead the charge!

march for life pennsylvania

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