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Churches in Lancaster PA Look to Mount Calvary this Lenten Season

Churches in Lancaster PA Look to Mount Calvary Church

Check out this week’s announcements from one of the top churches in Lancaster PA

All members and friends of Mount Calvary LCMS are invited to share ideas about the future use of study library resources. Responses to this form will be collected and read by our church librarian, Nancy Aument, and her assistants as they work to catalog and revitalize the collections. If you choose to identify yourself, we will treat your responses confidentially and use them only to communicate directly with you. Thank you very much for taking time to respond, and please ask Erin Myers if you need assistance with the online poll or ask Liz Velkly, Church Secretary, if you prefer a printed copy to be placed in your mailbox.

Dining Out Night will be held at El Serrano in Lancaster on Tuesday, March 4 at 6:00 PM for food and fellowship. A sign-up sheet is on the narthex easel. Questions? See Jim or Nan Bloodworth or contact the church office here.

We will observe Ash Wednesday with Corporate Confession and Holy Communion on March 5 at 7PM. Private Confession & Absolution is available by appointment with the pastor during the season of Lent. PLEASE NOTE: There will be no soup dinners preceding our midweek Lent services this year. Invite your friends and family to join us.


Quinquagesima Sunday As Celebrated in Churches in Lancaster PA

The hymn, Amazing Grace, says, “I once was blind, but now I see.” This Sunday we will look at our spiritual perception, blinded by sin, naturally unable to know and grasp the Truth. Even Christ’s good word and teaching sometimes does as little as putting a large light in front of a blind man, assuring him that now he can see. As the blind man in this story petitions Jesus to gain his sight, so we pray this Lent that the Lord would grant us faith to open our eyes to His love for us and be renewed in our love for others. We want to follow Jesus and be an example to the churches in Lancaster PA.

The service bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text is available here.

An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Adult Bible Class – This Sunday we will study Song of Songs 4:1-7, “The Flawless Beauty of the Bride.” An audio recording of this class can be listened to:

A Youth Retreat was held at Mount Calvary on February 15. Youth from our congregation and congregations in Baltimore and Brooklyn enjoyed worship services, a main speaker, breakout sessions, good, and fellowship. Pastor Kurt Reinhardt of Ontario blessed our congregation with his presence.


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