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Holy Trinity Sunday at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church & Bible Studay

Mount Calvary Announcements

Vacation Bible School begins on Wednesday, June 7 with a kick-off dinner at 5:45PM! (After kick-off week, VBS will start at 6:00 PM.) All are invited! Our theme this year is Saint Paul. A free-will donation basket will be available at the dinner. Food provided will be reminiscent of Bible foods. An activity will follow dinner, along with a lesson and music taught during Evening Prayer. We will wrap-up around 8 PM.

Longtime member Joan Erb will be buried in Conestoga Memorial Park (95 Second Lock Road, Lancaster). A graveside service will be held on Thursday, June 8 at 11:00 AM. The congregation is invited to attend.

Each month, Mount Calvary members provide donations to support the men of Good Samaritan Services in Ephrata. An article was recently published in The Ephrata Review titled “Ministry of faith and finding hope,” which talks about the work of Floyd Shirk, the ‘house father’ at Good Samaritan Services. You can read the article: HERE

Have you been affected by memory loss? The linked article from the Lutheran Witness magazine is an abridged version of Into the Valley of Shadows, a long-form story by Michael Kasting about his journey with his wife who was diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease. Into the Valley of Shadows – The Lutheran Witness (

Lutheran Singles Online is a community of Lutheran singles looking to make connections with others sharing the same faith, beliefs, and world views. The site is free to join, though all members are to belong to a Conservative Lutheran church, attend services regularly, and not be in a relationship but seeking one. Lutheran Singles Online

The Holy Trinity Service

Holy Trinity Sunday ends the festival or first half of the church year. Having celebrated Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, the church rejoices in one last grand round of celebration to the Holy Trinity, true God, the Father who created and made us, the Son who redeems us, and the Spirit who makes us a home in the Holy Christian Church and will raise up our bodies on the last day. Join us as we speak the Athanasian Creed and as we sing many hymns in praise to the Holy Trinity.

“Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!

Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;

Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!

God in three persons, blessed Trinity!
”    Text: Public domain

The bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text is not available.

We welcome Pastor Richard Neagley with us today.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to by using the following link:

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