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Announcements and June 25 Worship at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Announcements

The Midweek Evening Prayer Service 

It was held on Wednesday, June 21. The theme was Shipwrecked on Malta as we studied Acts 27:29 – 28:10.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text and audio recording are not available for this week.

Here is last week’s lesson on St. Paul’s travels:

Men’s Bible Study Breakfast

Meeting at 7:30 AM on Saturday, June 24 in the Evangelism Wing at Mount Calvary. Come enjoy a hearty breakfast cooked by a fellow member (free will donation of $5), and good conversation with your brothers in Christ. This month we continue our study on manliness as we look at Jacob’s sons. Join us as we strengthen our understanding in our God-given roles as men in our lives, church, and world. (Each month after the class is over, for those who wish to stay, some trustee projects may be available.). Join us at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church for Men’s Bible Study this weekend.

Young Families Group

Meeting Saturday, June 24 at 5:30 PM for a potluck (bring a dish or two to pass) and discussion-based study. After supper, the children will be excused to enjoy some organized playtime. We will conclude our study of “A Strange New World,” written by historian Carl R. Trueman, professor at Grove City College, a synopsis of a larger and well acclaimed work.

June 25 Worship & Bible Class

This Sunday we will remember the day in 1530 (June 25) when the Reformers stood before Emperor Charles V in Augsburg (modern day Germany) and presented their statement of faith, the Augsburg Confession. We will remember their courageous testimony, even as we pledge ourselves to the truths of Holy Scripture that these confessions speak. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

In Adult Bible Class we will take up Romans chapter 2. After condemning the pagan world for their idolatry (chapter 1), Paul turns the tables on the Jews. They too have broken God’s law. In passing judgment on another, they condemn themselves. Paul continues in these chapters to flesh out the problem of our human condition that extends to both Jew, Gentile, and barbarian. Join us in the Evangelism Wing after the Divine Service for a study, a cup of coffee, and some conversation with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Be sure to follow our blog for updates by clicking Connect with Mount Calvary.

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