Join Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz
The First Sunday after Christmas
Jesus is presented at the temple at the age of 40 days. Aged saints expecting the Christ exclaim for joy when He arrives. Mary and Joseph marvel at what is spoken about Him. The purpose of Christ mission is explicated by these prophetic persons. He is the Savior of the Nations, the Light of the Gentiles, and the Glory of the Jews. Yet He is also a sign which will be spoken against (men will not believe) which will lead to the rising and falling of many in Israel. Christ is a sign that is still spoken against, yet those who believe are raised to new life as they receive the joy of His birth and His appearing to be their Savior and Lord.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is available here.
An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to by using the following link:
Bible Study in Lititz PA at Mount Calvary
This last Sunday in Adult Bible Study in Lititz, we continued our study of Song of Songs. An audio recording of this bible study can be listened to by using the following link: