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The Lutheran Liturgy On Mission – St. Mark’s Conference 2024

Saint Mark’s Conference at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Baltimore MD

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Attends St. Mark’s Conference

The 2024 St. Mark’s Conference was held on April 22-23 at Our Savior Lutheran Church in Baltimore Maryland. Mount Calvary was able to send some members to accompany Pastor Seifferlein on this educational retreat. The St Mark’s Conference is focused on the confessional, sacramental and liturgical life of our Church of the Unaltered Augsburg Confession. The was times of high church Divine Service worship along with lectures on various topics including the Liturgical Society of Saint James, Luther on The Book of Genesis and The Lutheran Liturgy on Mission. The attendants were very blessed to have the opportunity to experience an early Lutheran Mass, just like what Doctor Luther would have presided over. There was great fellowship and food along with solid resources on why the Lutheran Liturgy matters in today’s mission field. Some of the attendees even ventured to climb the vertical ladders proceeding up the bell tower to view the 16 bells that make up the beautiful bell town at Out Savior Lutheran Church.


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