You are currently viewing The First Sunday of Lent Services at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

The First Sunday of Lent Services at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Lent Services in Lancaster at Mount Calvary

Join the Saints & Sinners at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church this Lent Season

Jesus faces Satan…and wins. Though emaciated after 40 days of fasting, Christ clings to the Word, trusts His Father, and eschews any thought that the devil’s promises are something worth following. He is our champion, come to win the fight against Satan for us. He is our hero, inspiring us soldiers to join the fight.

O Lord, throughout these forty days
You prayed and kept the fast;
Inspire repentance for our sin,
And free us from our past.

    You strove with Satan, and You won;
Your faithfulness endured;
Lend us Your nerve, Your skill and trust
In God’s eternal Word.

Text: © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004740

The service bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text is available here.

An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

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