The Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA Releases the Beacon Newsletter
Learn what is happening in March at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Meal Train – If you ever have a medical procedure and need assistance with some meals, make your situation known to the church office. We have parishioners who would be happy to help!
Each week the church office sends out a hard copy of the sermon and bulletin to those who request it. Each month a separate list has been created for those who receive a hard copy of the Beacon. If you know someone who would like to be added to either list, please contact the church office.
Our Midweek Lenten Service is an opportunity to gather for seasonal hymns and readings in Lent as we consider what God has done for us. This service takes place at 7 PM on Wednesdays. This year our theme will be, “Philippians and the Passion Reading.” We will use the service of Prayer and Preaching. There will be no soup dinners preceding our midweek services this year.
Dining Out Night will be held at El Serrano, 2151 Columbia Ave., Lancaster on Tuesday, March 4 at 6:00 PM for food and fellowship. A sign-up sheet is on the narthex easel. Have any questions? See Jim or Nan Bloodworth or contact the church office on our contact page.
Read the Beacon Newsletter in its entirety, just Click Here for Beacon