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The 23rd Sunday After Trinity at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Sermon and Bible Class

The Twenty-third Sunday after Trinity at Mount Calvary

When confronted with the civic duty of paying taxes after being shown a coin, our Lord Jesus spoke of rendering to Caesar and God both the things that are due to them. With this answer He amazed and silenced His opponents who were hoping to trap Him in His Words. Our Lord did more, however, than speak this truth, He lived it as that week He rendered to God perfect fear, love, and trust even as He suffered on the cross for the complete sacrifice for our sin. He also rendered to Caesar the things of honor and justice, submitting to the law of the land under Pontius Pilate that put Him on the cross. We rejoice in our Lord even as we think of our duties to God and to country.

The bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text can be found here.

An audio recording of the sermon is available:


Adult Bible Class at Mount Calvary Church in Lititz

Today we will examine the fascinating record of the monetary support of the early church by the early Christians. How did Jesus “pay the bills” when he spent his time as a full-time wandering preacher? How were regular bodily needs of food, lodging, and clothing for Jesus and the 12 disciples provided for when they had left everything (careers as carpenters, fishermen, and tax collectors) to carry out the work of the Gospel? We will look in a surprising place to see who it was who organized the first efforts to fund the mission of the early Church. It comes in a surprising place and from a surprising person. An audio recording of the class is available. (Pastor’s notes are available here.)

Giving Method Update for Mission Campaign

May I give my gifts electronically toward the Mount Calvary Ministry Expansion Campaign? Yes, our church’s financial team will be accepting building/campaign gifts through Vanco, an online giving platform that some of us already use for regular tithing. Unfortunately, we are unable to accept campaign contributions through Anedot or credit/debit payments. To begin making your campaign gifts electronically, you will need to fill out a form with your bank account information, intended pledge/commitment amount, and giving schedule and submit it to Anna Boriack, Financial Coordinator. This form will be available in the narthex or you can access it here. Once submitted the form will be kept in a locked file cabinet at the church, only to be viewed by Anna Boriack. If in the future, you wish to change any of the information submitted on the previously mentioned form, contact Anna by emailing to get that process started.

Mission Campaign Commitment Celebration at Mount Calvary

Thank you to all who served to bring the delicious lunch and fun fellowship to our church on Sunday. It was a delightful time and opportunity to envision the future of Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz, PA and serve our communities.


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