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Sexagesima Sunday & Weekly Annoucements from Mount Calvary

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Announcements

Holy Land Christians are Coming to Mount Calvary

HOLY LAND CHRISTIANS ARE GOING TO BE OUR GUESTS ON MARCH 2. HEAR THEIR STORY AND SEE THEIR BEAUTIFUL OLIVEWOOD CRAFTS. On March 2 after our service, we will be hearing about the Christians of the Holy Land and hosting in the former Snack Room a display of handmade olive wood religious articles from Bethlehem available for purchase. The carvings are handmade by Christian families from Bethlehem who rely on it for their daily bread. Please help support our Christian brothers and sisters in the town of Bethlehem where Christ was born by purchasing their carvings. All proceeds go to support Christian families from Bethlehem. Let us carefully tend to our roots, Christian children of God in the Holy Land. Let us pray together for peace in the land where our Savior once walked to tell the world the good news of salvation. Thank you for your support – Dr. George Ghanem, Holy Land Christian Solidarity Cooperative.

Announcements for this Week

It’s time to order your Easter flowers! Help us celebrate His resurrection with one of God’s beautiful creations! If you wish to purchase a plant for Easter for yourself, your family, or as a memorial of a loved one, fill out the pink form on the table in the narthex and place it in Liz Velkly’s mailbox. Orders will be accepted through Sunday, March 16.

Lenten devotionals are available on the table in the narthex. There are several to choose from:  (1) Lutheran Hour Ministries booklet titled “Servant of the Lord,” (2) a booklet containing excerpts from the writings of Martin Luther titled “Day By Day We Magnify Thee,” and (3) a sheet titled “Table Devotions for Lent.” We also have a Lent Family Calendar (great for kids!) titled “Promised Treasures.” These devotionals are free for the taking! Pass them along to friends, family, and neighbors.

Instrument ensemble for Easter – Open your closets and open your cupboard. Dust off that instrument from the past. We are putting together an ensemble for Easter morning! If you will play, text Candace the name of your instrument to 717-773-6868. Music will be in your mailbox next Sunday.

Childcare Needed -Due to a change in childcare needs, Michael & Elizabeth Pascale need a babysitter for their child Rowan (12 mos.) for several weeks until their child is enrolled in day care. Please contact the church office to assist or for suggestions for affordable care options.churches-lancaster-pa

Sexagesima Sunday at Mount Calvary Church

On Sexagesima Sunday we hear the Parable of the Sower & the Seed (Luke 8:4-15). Jesus has come to sow the seed of the Word of God.

  Let not the sly satanic foe
This holy seed remove,
But give it root in ev’ry heart
To bring forth fruits of love.

  So when the precious seed is sown,
Life-giving grace bestow
That all whose souls the truth receive
Its saving pow’r may know.

Text: Public domain

The service bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text is available here.

An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Adult Bible Class – This Sunday we will study Song of Songs 3:6-11, “The Wedding Procession.” An audio recording of this class can be listened to:

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