Serve in Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Service Opportunities within Worship:
Elders serve in maintaining true Christian doctrine and practice. The Elders work closely with Pastor to make the Office of the Ministry Effective in the congregation and the community. The assist in the Pastoral duties such as visitation of the sick and delinquents,assisting in worship services, and caring for the needs of the congregation. Elders must be male as they serve as an extension of the office of ministry.
Worship Assistants
The Elders serve as Worship Assistants in the Divine Service and recruit and supervise other men in the congregation to serve as Worship Assistants. The Worship Assistants are men who are spiritually mature and active in the study of God’s Word. The Worship Assistants lead the congregation in prayer during the Divine Service and assist the Pastor with the distribution of Holy Communion.
The Ushers serve in the Divine Service by handing out bulletins, collecting the offering, ushering communion, and helping members and visitors find a seat.
The Acolytes serve in the Divine Service by lighting and extinguishing the candles and assisting with the offering. Acolytes are generally children in confirmation or of high school age.
Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is responsible for the maintenance of the altar. The members maintain an adequate supply of communion wine and wafers, candles and oil, baptismal napkins, etc. The Altar Guild prepares for communion and baptisms and distributes the altar flowers after the service. The Altar Guild changes the altar paraments according to the church seasons and sees that the altar paraments are kept clean and in good repair. The Altar Guild supervises the chancel furnishings for festival seasons and special services such as weddings.
The Choir introduces hymns and selected works that enhance the Divine Service.
Musicians enhance hymns and selected works within the Divine Service
Greeters welcome members and guests as they enter Mount Calvary.
Hospitality Ministry
The Hospitality team is responsible for leading a team of members who will prepare meals for our shut-ins or any member who needs meal support and deliver these meals on a regular basis. The team is also the lead contact for special food events such as the New Member Meal, funerals, weddings, Confirmation, potlucks, and other special functions. The team is also responsible for serving snacks and coffee between services and are the lead contact for food service for any outreach event.

Service Opportunities in Social Ministry
Care Giving Ministry Team
The team is responsible for leading a team of members to visit the shut-in members. They deliver copies of devotions, Bible Studies, Portals of Prayer, and other faith building materials to the shut-ins. The C.O.R.E. team also shares Christian love by providing comfort and support to the shut-ins. They also assess the spiritual and physical needs of the shut-ins to determine how our church can provide ongoing support for them.

Fellowship Ministry
The Fellowship team is responsible for leading a team of members to organize and plan activities that are designed to engage the congregation and develop internal relationships. With assistance from the Elders, this ministry team is responsible for welcoming, integrating and assimilating new members into the congregation by providing them with opportunities to serve and utilize their skills and talents to serve the Lord.
Service Opportunities in Administration:
Congregational President
Congregational President presides at all regular and special meetings of the congregation and at all meetings of the Board of Directors. The President oversees the execution of decisions made by the congregation. Since the President is an ex-officio member of all boards and committees including the Elders, the President must be male.
Recording Secretary
The Recording Secretary records the minute of each Congregational and Board of Directors’ meeting. The Recording Secretary retains accurate recordings of the minutes the the permanent approved records of the congregation.
Board of Directors
The Board of Directors consists of the Chairs for the following committees: Outreach, Worship Support (Elders), Education, Social Ministry, and Finance.
The treasurer is responsible for making all disbursements as authorized by the Board of Directors. The treasurer prepares monthly financial reports for the congregation and annual reports for the Synod/district.
The Trustees maintain the property of the church and keep it in good repair, supervise custodial workers, coordinate and are responsible for the use of the facilities, and secure and safely preserve the congregation’s deeds and other valuable documents.
Financial Secretary
The Financial Secretary counts offerings (with the help of another unrelated person) and deposits them in the congregation’s bank account. The Financial Secretary records the contributions in the individual records and posts the offerings in the Treasurer’s financial records. The counting of offerings, the recording of contributions, and the posting of offerings may be conducted by volunteers that are selected by the Financial Secretary and the Board of Finance Chair. The Financial Secretary issues statements to members who have offering envelopes on an annual basis and at other times requested by the Board of Finance Chair. The Financial Secretary also orders offering envelopes and distributes them to the members.
Safe Church Ministry Leader
The Safe Church Ministry Leader ensures that the children maintain a safe learning environment within the Church. The leader maintains that the requirements are fulfilled as laid out in the policy and by the state for volunteers working with children.
Service Opportunities in Education:
Sunday School
The Sunday School ministry consists of the Sunday School Superintendent and the Sunday School teachers, which support the children of Mount Calvary from PreK-6th grade. The Sunday School ministry conducts Sunday School classes each Sunday.
The Youth ministry supports the youth of Mount Calvary in Grades 7-12. Youth leaders are responsible for providing Bible Studies, regular meetings, activities, and fund-raising activities for the Youth. Youth Leaders also encourage the Youth to regularly attend Divine Service and Bible Study and to participate in various Church initiatives, especially outreach events.