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Pentecost Service In Lancaster at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

The Day of Pentecost Service in Lancaster PA at Mount Calvary Church

Clothed with Power From On High

50 days after Easter, the recently ascended Lord pours out His Holy Spirit on the followers of Jesus that were waiting in Jerusalem, empowering them to preach the Good News of salvation to the entire world, with the mission to call all peoples to repentance and faith in Christ. On this great day we rejoice in God’s gift of the Holy Spirit given to us in the Church wherever baptism, preaching, communion, absolution, the encouragement of brothers and sisters in Christ in their faith, and the personal study of God’s Word takes place. We are drunk, not with wine, as some suppose (Acts 2:13,15), but filled with a Spirit that comes from outside of us, strengthening us in Christ and giving us the power to bear up in every evil day.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is available here.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to here:

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Adult Bible Class

This week in adult bible class we study Daniel chapter 6, “Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream.” Our audio recording of this class can be listened to here:

Confirmation in the Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA


The Lord’s Table received some new communicants this week at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA. Pastor Seifferlein with Andrew, Timothy, Theo, and Hiikaa, who were confirmed today.

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