Pastor Christopher Seifferlein

A message from Pastor Seifferlein
Dear Friends in Christ,
The ancient philosophers noted the difference between a flatterer and a friend. A flatterer tells you what you want to hear, while a friend tells you the truth.
Mount Calvary exists to be the beacon of truth in a world of lies. The truth that we proclaim is found not in what we think, but in God’s Holy Word. In the Bible we find the truth — how man sinned and fell under God’s judgement, and what God did to reconcile us to Him through the death of his Son.
Our congregation gathers together weekly to hear this truth. Here we have truth for our lives that is centered around Christ, not the changing fads of the world.
Are you looking to find Jesus, and to receive His Word?
Welcome to Mount Calvary!
The Lord bless you and keep you,
Pr. Christopher Seifferlein
Get to know the Pastor...
Baptized into Christ Jesus on April 25, 1976 by the Reverend Donald Lunick of Holy Cross Lutheran Church in Detroit, Michigan, Reverend Christopher Mark Seifferlein thanks God for those who formed him in the Christian faith. His mother Barbara taught him to love the Sacred Scriptures, demonstrating a daily life of prayer and devotion. As a young child he remembers seeing his father Russel mouthing the words of the confession of sins during the Divine Service on a Sunday morning and wondering, “I didn’t know my dad was a sinner!” (His father thereby taught his son what it meant to be a good father, above all to receive from Jesus the forgiveness of sins and the words of eternal life.) It was Christopher’s grandmother Eileen who called him “her little pastor boy,” tousling his blond hair when he was a child. Studying engineering at Michigan Technological University in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan for two years after high school, he calls this his “Jonah moment,” and thereafter enrolled in the pre-seminary program at Concordia University in Chicago. Pastor Seifferlein entered seminary at Concordia Theological Seminary in Fort Wayne in 1999, studying at Westfield House in Cambridge, England for his second year, a school operated by our sister church body, the Evangelical Lutheran Church of England. Halfway through that year he married Erin Verage on a snowy day at Peace Lutheran Church in Sussex, Wisconsin. The couple made their first home in England, moving to New England in 2001 where Pr. Seifferlein completed his vicarage at St. Peter Norwalk, Connecticut under the Reverend Bob Beinke. After finishing his final year of seminary, Pastor Seifferlein was called to Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church in Stockton, Minnesota serving for three years until called by God to serve the saints at Emmanuel Evangelical Lutheran Church of Adell, Wisconsin, where he served for thirteen years until he was installed at Mount Calvary in Lititz on November 16, 2019. Along the way the Lord blessed Pastor Seifferlein and Erin with children Claire, Lillian, Isabel, August, Theodore, and Frederick. Pastor Seifferlein and his family thank God for the holy Christian Church and pray that by His Spirit He bless this ministry, through His Son Jesus, at Mount Calvary.