Divine Service Schedule
Sunday Morning Service 9:00
Sunday Bible Class and Sunday School at 10:30
Wednesday Evening Service 7:00
Lenten Services in Lancaster

All Are Welcome at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
All are welcome to the Divine Service at Mount Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church in Lancaster County PA. Many of our members also join us from Lebanon, Berks, York & Dauphin Counties, as we are the Confessional Lutheran Church in our region of Pennsylvania.
When you join our church family you will be blessed because God’s Word and His love for us is here. You will hear about the death and resurrection of Jesus Chris, Who is our peace, our strength, and our joy. You will know that God’s Word, the Bible, is a true guide for your life today and forever. When you join us at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church you are in God’s presence.

If you are new
The first time you visit Mount Calvary is a very good day. If you are not new to church but you are new to the Missouri Synod, our church body, some things will be very familiar and some things might be very new to you. The way we worship is not new but is in fact very old. Our pastor wears clothing (called vestments) and the church is decked out in colors for that particular day in the cycle of readings and celebrations called the Christian Year. The readings, chosen in the year 800, take us through the account of Christ and His Church each year. Realize that when you join us, nothing we are doing us was invented yesterday.
If you have children
We invite you to please bring your kids to God’s house. We know it is not easy to get them ready in the morning, but this is the avoslute best plce you could have brough them today. If they make some noise or squirm around, that is completely fine. Do not worry at all. Where else would God want His children except in His hourse? We are so glard you are here.
Membership and Communion
Holy Communion, which is celebrated in each service each Sunday and Wednesday at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, is a sharing in the Body and Blood of Jesus Christ. Because of its seriousness and reality, we administer Holy Communion only to member of Mount Calvary and to members of other Missouri Synod congregations who are in fellowship with our congregation and our pastor. We are account to one another, and our pastor is accountable to God for this church. When you join us for the first time and you are not a member, please refrain from Holy Communion. Our pastor will be in contact with you to address any questions you may have and about joining our fellowship in Christina faith and life. We are excited to meet you!
Listen to and Read Recent Sermons