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Mount Calvary on the Sixth Sunday after Trinity

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity at Mount Calvary Church

There are two weeks remaining to have your photo taken for the new Mount Calvary directory! Reserve a time now. Sign-up sheets are located on the credenza in the narthex. You may also call or email Liz Velkly (717-560-6751 or to make an appointment. If you are not currently a member but attend Mount Calvary regularly, we would love to include you! No old photos on file will be used so please reserve a time now and assist us in completing this project.

Lutheran Women’s Missionary League (LWML) – Did you know that Lutheran Women’s Missionary League mite boxes go towards mission projects locally, in our district, and nationwide? This biennium’s project of our zone goes to OUR pregnancy resource center right here in Lancaster, A Woman’s Concern, showing love and care to mothers and fathers in our area. You don’t need to be an LWML member or a woman to participate! (Pastor Seifferlein has his own box on his dresser at home.) Mite boxes are available on the table in the narthex. After they are filled with your change, you may put them in the collection box where they are counted and sent to our zone. You make a change with your change! For more information see this document:  CLICK HERE

The Sixth Sunday after Trinity

Psalm 119:97 says, “Oh how I love your law! It is my meditation all the day.”This Sunday we will sing the law as we sing Martin Luther’s hymn on the ten commandments, we will hear the law as the commandments are read to us from Exodus 20, and we will consider the law as we listen to Jesus’ preaching on the commandments in Matthew 5 as he spoke to the people in the Sermon on the Mount. We pray that God would increase in us true religion that is centered on Christ and what He has done for us and that He would graft into our hearts a love and fear of His name!
The bulletin can be found here.
The sermon text can be found here.
Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to here:

Adult Bible Class – We will study Romans 3 & 4. Having laid out the universal condemnation of all humanity under the law of God, Paul deals with what God did through His Son Jesus to save mankind. Join us in the Evangelism Wing after the Divine Service for a study, a cup of coffee, and some conversation with your brothers and sisters in Christ. Our audio recording of this class can be listened to here:

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