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Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Announcements

Funeral Service on Saturday for Joan Nixdorf

A funeral service for Joan Nixdorf will be held on Saturday, January 13 at 11:30AM at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church. Family and friends will be received from 10-11:30AM at the church. Blessed be her memory. Joan M. Nixdorf Obituary | Lancaster, PA | Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home

Lititz Lutheran Women’s Bible Study

The Women of Mount Calvary Bible Class will not be held in January. We look forward to seeing you at our next class on Saturday, February 10 at 2:00 PM.

Mount Calvary Propers Choir Update

Propers Choir will sing on Sunday, January 14. This informal choir meets before the service on occasional dates to practice pieces to be sung for worship. Propers Choir is an opportunity for those with little or no choir experience to increase their confidence and their love of singing. Propers Choir is an opportunity for experienced singers to lend their voices to lead the congregation in the praises of the Lord, and to assist with surrounding newer singers with their sturdy singing. Propers Choir is a “schedule available” choir which means that you come when your schedule permits. Propers Choir is open also to all children or youth who have been confirmed. Propers Choir takes its name from the parts of the liturgy each week that are specific or “proper” to that Sunday such as hymns, psalms, and introits, selections that this choir will often sing. Propers Choir is led by Mr. Gabriel Edwards and will normally meet a half hour before the service begins in the choir room. Our next date to sing is Sunday, January 14! Meet in the Choir Room at 8:30AM to practice if you can join us!

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Midweek Service

A Midweek Divine Service was held on Wednesday, January 10.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is not available.
An audio recording of the sermon is available:

January 14 Worship & Bible Class

On Sunday we gather to hear of Jesus turning water into wine. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Old Testament: Amos 9:11-15

Psalm: Psalm 111:1-10

Epistle: Romans 12:6-16

Gospel: John 2:1-11

 Come, join in Cana’s feast
Where Christ is honored guest.
He welcomes all who come to taste
The wine His hands have blessed.

Come, friends, and share the feast;
Here drink the wine supplied
By Him who is both guest and host—
For us, the crucified.

Text: © 1993 The Hymn Society, admin. Hope Publishing Co. Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004740

Join us for Adult Bible Class in the Evangelism Wing after the worship service.This week we are back to Romans! Having dealt with the “what we believe” in the first eleven chapters of the book, Paul deals with three chapters of “how do we then live.” In chapter 12 he spoke about our lives as living sacrifices, in chapter 13 he dealt with our duties to the governing authorities as citizens, and now in chapter 14 Paul concludes this section of Romans with teaching on the role of ceremonies in the church.

Mount Calvary Youth Class Update

Youth Class will meet with their new teacher, Mr. David-Paul Schulze. The youth will be tackling Luther’s Large Catechism and considering what these faithful words mean for their lives as Christians. Parents, please make it a point to introduce yourself to David-Paul if you haven’t already, thank him for his service, adding him and his class to your prayers, and supporting his work by your child’s faithful participation.


Christmas 2023 at Mount Calvary was a special occasion for many reasons. It may have been extra special considering that in 1993 the saints here had their first Christmas in a building that had recently been dedicated on December 5 of that year. I am sure they were joyous to finally get into the building which had long been planned and prepared for. We rejoice at these many years in our building. For a place and location where God’s Word is preached, and His Sacraments administered. Additionally, we pray God’s blessings upon us in this New Year as we prepare for the work God has for us, the repurposing, reconfiguring, and rededicating of this blessed space that the Lord and the saints before us have entrusted to our hands. May God bless us!



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