You are currently viewing Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster on the 11th Sunday after Trinity

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster on the 11th Sunday after Trinity

Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA on the 11th Sunday of Trinity

The Lutheran Church is The Singing Church

Are you passionate about singing and looking for a way to serve the Lord? Join a choir at Mount Calvary! The Adult Choir, under the direction of Candace Ord, is seeking new members to join our harmonious ensemble. We meet Thursday evenings from 6:30-7:15 beginning September 5. This choir prepares the Propers for the assigned Sunday and a special anthem highlighting the theme of the day. The Hymnodians, under the direction of Michael Owens, is a male chorus that meets Tuesday evenings from 6:30-8:00. This choir introduces the Hymn for our Season the first Sunday of each month and also prepares Propers for the assigned day. The Propers Choir will be co-directed by Gabriel Edwards and Candace Ord. This choir meets 8:30-8:50 the Sunday morning of assignment. As the name says, this choir will prepare the Propers for the assigned Sunday.

Singing in a choir is a wonderful way to contribute to our worship experience and connect with fellow members. Whether you’re a seasoned singer or new to choral singing, we welcome you to be a part of our musical family. For more information or to sign up, please contact the church office.  We look forward to singing with you!

The Eleventh Sunday after Trinity at Mount Calvary

Two men went up to the temple to pray, one a Pharisee and the other a tax collector. Consider today what they say in their prayers, and what Jesus says about each of them as we welcome Pr. Elliot Robertson of Baltimore, MD to Mount Calvary. Pr. Robertson is pastor emeritus at historic Martini Lutheran Church (LCMS) in the Inner Harbor area of Baltimore. May his service to us be blessed.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is not available.

An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to here:

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