Our Youth Are Our Future at Mount Calvary Church
A Brief Update from the Board of Education & Youth
Our Sunday School children prepared to sing at our Ash Wednesday service on March 5, and did a fantastic job. They will also be worship leaders on March 16. Children have been preparing during music class to lead the psalm and anthem on this day. Thank you to Ms. Nancy Marshall and Mrs. Candace Ord for their leadership in preparing the children.
Weekly Sunday School lessons continue in the New Testament for Preschool/Kindergarten-4th grade; Old Testament for grades 5th-8th; and the Youth will continue study in the Large Catechism with the Apostles Creed. Jump Start continues to meet each Thursday over zoom with the Pastor. Students are currently working through the petitions of The Lord’s Prayer.
Just Breathe Youth Winter Retreat took place at Mount Calvary on February 15, 2025. The youth enjoyed fellowship with food, worship, games and breakout sessions. Thank you to Mrs. Erin Seifferlein for all your hard work planning this event and all those who volunteered to make it a great day!
On Friday, January 31, 9 of our youth went bowling at Leisure Lanes. Accompanying the youth were Mr. Riggins, Mr. Schulze, and Ms. Nancy Marshall. Everyone had a fabulous time bowling, eating snacks, laughing and having fun! A tremendous thank you to the valued Parishioner sponsor of this fun event. The youth look forward to getting together again for fun and fellowship. Unfortunately we didn’t gather a good photo of the night, but much fun was had with the arcade machines and prizes that were awarded.
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A Guide To This Lenten Season : We Hope To See You Soon