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Mount Calvary Church Board of Education & Youth Update

Board of Education and Youth Update from Mount Calvary


Sunday School – Sunday School and Adult Bible Class continue during the summer months. We are grateful Mount Calvary continues Christian Education throughout the summer. Thanks to our teachers: Pastor Seifferlein, Nancy Marshall, Jean Lin, Sarah Holton, Erin Seifferlein, David-Paul Schultze, and our Nursery Care staff – Kristy Kurtz, Ruth & Connor Stemler, and Anna Garber.

If you are interested in volunteering for the Adult Bible Sunday School Nursery Hour Childcare Team Rotation, please see Kristy Kurtz or Nancy Marshall. Thank you!

Youth – Summer activities are being planned. If you are interested in inviting the Youth to your home for a gathering, please see David-Paul Schultze or Nancy Marshall. Ideas may be – a swimming party, yard games, picnic, organize a Scavenger Hunt, etc.


Our annual Vacation Bible School happens on Wednesdays in June!

The theme this year is David and the Psalms. Here is the schedule:

June 5th – Hot Dog Picnic at 5:45 pm

June 12th – Art Activity 6:00 pm

June 19th – Show & Tell your instrument 6:00 pm

June 26th – Guest speaker teaching us about Pipe Organs! 5:30 pm

Each evening concludes with Evening Prayer Service at 7 pm and wraps up by 8 pm. All ages are invited to all activities.




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