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Mount Calvary Church Beacon Newsletter Now Available

Check out Mount Calvary Church Events and News for August

Update on Mission Giving from the Church

Mission Giving – Twelve “Special Mission Offering” envelopes are inserted in your box of envelopes each year, one for each month. For each quarter of the year, the congregation sends all monies received in those envelopes to a chosen mission that we support. Our third quarter offering goes to Luther Classical College. This is a new Lutheran college opening in the Fall of 2025 in Casper, Wyoming. The college aims to be small, affordable, and unapologetically Lutheran. Focusing on a “classical” experience, the college will promote Christian culture, and the priority of Christian marriage, family, and piety using the “great books” of the past such as Latin, history, theology, literature, logic, rhetoric, music, geometry, biology, and mathematics. The college also intends to form a trade partnership for students seeking gainful employment in the skilled trades (e.g. electrical, plumbing, architectural.) Join our congregation in supporting our young people in the most formative years of their lives through this new venture.

Mount Calvary Church Welcomes Pastor Robertson

On Sunday, August 11, we welcome Pr. Elliot Robertson of Baltimore, MD to Mount Calvary. Pr. Robertson is pastor emeritus at historic Martini Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Baltimore in the Inner Harbor area. Pr. Robertson will preach at the 9 AM service as well as lead Bible Class at 10:30 AM on the history of Lutheranism in the Baltimore. May his service to us be blessed.

Read the rest of the August Beacon from Mount Calvary Church HERE

Including a special update from the outreach team on blessed events with the Neffsville Nursing Home outreach.

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