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Mount Calvary Announcements for the Week of August 6th

Mount Calvary Announcements and Worship Focus for August 6th

We will be collecting donations for the men and women of “Good Samaritan Services of Ephrata” on Sunday, August 6. A list of needed items can be found here.

The Philadelphia Circuit of the English District welcomes you to the annual Saints Monica & Augustine Family Retreat to be held on Tuesday, August 15 from 10 AM-3 PM (registration & continental breakfast begin at 9:15 AM) @ Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 308 Petersburg Rd., Lititz, PA. Preaching and catechesis by Pr. Rob Kieselowsky & Pr. Chris Seifferlein, craft, games, music, and lunch round out this relaxing day as we discuss life together as families under God’s Word. All ages welcome! Cost is free.

Our Midweek Divine Service was held on Wednesday, August 2 as we observed Wednesday of the Eighth Week after Trinity.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is  not available.
An audio recording of the sermon can be listened to here:


August 6 Worship & Bible Class

This Sunday we will read Luke 16:1-13 and hear the curious story of a manager who was fired for misappropriating his master’s funds (The Parable of the Dishonest Manager). We will learn about the gifts and treasures, both physical and spiritual, that He has richly entrusted to us. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Old Testament: Proverbs 16:1-9

Psalm: Psalm 51:1-12

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 10:6-13

Gospel: Luke 16:1-9

This Sunday in Adult Bible Class, we will study Romans chapter 5, beginning with verse 12. As Paul used the Old Testament examples of Abraham and David to support his teaching about justification being by faith and not by the works of the law, now Paul argues the purpose of the Law of Moses and how death came into the world through Adam. Join us for Paul’s whirlwind tour of the Old Testament persons and their place in salvation history!

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