March For Life Pennsylvania
March for Life 2025
March for Life Pennsylvania 2024
A Letter from Pastor Seifferlein prior to the 2024 March
Dear Lutherans,
As I conversed with attendees at the first Pennsylvania March for Life 3 years ago, people stopped to talk. “I haven’t heard of pro-life Lutherans, tell me more. Thank you for being here!” Last year after I saw Pr. Mark Chavez at the PA March representing the North American Lutheran Church (NALC) and Pr. Michael Edwards from the Church of the Lutheran Brethren (CLB), both bringing groups from their congregations, I realized that I was not the only PA Lutheran at the March! It got me thinking
What if we could double, even triple the pro-Life Lutheran presence at the PA March for Life?
What if the Lutherans could meet before the March for conversation and encouragement?
This year we invite your congregation to the Hilton in Harrisburg, One N. 2nd St. on September 23. A full breakfast free of charge will be served from 9-10 AM. At 10 AM Scott Licht of Lutherans for Life will present on “Life in the Darkness,” and Maria Gallager of the PA Pro-life Federation will give us a legislative update as the Senate and the House reconvene that day for their new session. We will walk the few blocks to the capital building for the 11 AM Rally and 12 Noon mile march.
Will you gather with your fellow Lutherans, young, high-school, college, adult, and aged, in Harrisburg on Monday, September 23?
Will you hang the information poster at your church and begin a conversation about pro-life Lutherans?
Will you pray for the Lutherans that gather and ask for the Lord’s blessing on the work to make PA a state that promotes the life of all—both the unborn and the care of their mothers and fathers?
Join us as we work together as Lutherans to uphold the teachings of the Bible about the value and dignity of each and every human life created by God.
In Christ,
Pr. Chris Seifferlein
Mount Calvary Lutheran (LCMS), Lititz, PA
For more information about the event email or the contact page.
For more information about the March for Life in PA, visit their website Pennsylvania March for Life – March for Life Bulletin announcement—(Help publicize this event.)
Visit for event details about the March for Life Pennsylvania. Join us for this inaugural event for Lutherans, the first of its kind in PA!