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Lutheran Church in Lititz PA Meets at Mount Calvary Church

Updates from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz PA

New & Old Member Class Coming Soon

New Member (& Old Member) Class will be held on Sundays this summer after Sunday School in our temporary sanctuary beginning June 2 and concluding on September 1. Pastor Seifferlein will take us through the tenants of our Lutheran faith. We will gather a few minutes before noon and end by 1:15 PM. Please feel free to bring a snack or sack lunch to tide you over! Contact us with any questions. Childcare is available.

Lutheran Church Local Outreach

We will be collecting donations for the men and women of Good Samaritan Services of Ephrata on Sunday. A list of needed items is available here.

Mount Calvary Dining Out Night

Dining Out Night will be held on Tuesday, June 4 at 5:30 PM for food and fellowship. We will be dining at McCleary’s Pub, 130 W. Front St., Marietta. Sign-up on the sheet in the narthex and join us! This is a great way to spend an evening getting to know each other. Questions? Contact Ivan or Emily Gonzalez (

Lutheran Church Midweek Service

A Midweek Divine Servicewas held on Wednesday, May 29.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is available here.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Prepare for Sunday Service & Adult Bible Class

Our lesson for the day is the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Even in poverty, sickness, and untimely death, Jesus is the hope of every Christian. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Sunday Service Readings:

Old Testament: Deuteronomy 6:4-13

Psalm: Psalm 33:12-22

Epistle: 1 John 4:8-21

Gospel: Luke 16:19-31

Join us for Adult Bible Class after the worship service! This week we will complete Daniel chapter 5, “Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream.”

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