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Looking for Churches Near Me that are teaching Christ Crucified?

Mount Calvary is Here for Those Searching ‘churches near me’

Churches near Lancaster, Pa Look to Mount Calvary this Lenten Season

The Second Sunday in Lent was a joyous occasion. In ancient times this Sunday was called “Remember Sunday” and at Mount Calvary Church near Lancaster Pa, we remember God’s mercy this Sunday. This title comes from Psalm 25:6, a cry of distress where we pray, “Remember your mercy, O LORD!” We cling to God’s promises, even when it seems that He is not for us, but against us. Both in the Old Testament lesson of Jacob wrestling with God, and also in the Gospel of the Canaanite woman who tries to get Jesus to hear her pleas, we learn that we must cling to God’s promises and believe in them, even when it appears that He does not listen. Great faith clings to the Lord, never lets go, and prevails. Those searching for churches near me can find this at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church.

The service bulletin can be found here.

The sermon text is available here.

An audio recording of this sermon is not available.

Bible Study Near Lancaster Pa

This Sunday we did consider the theme, “The Edenic Garden with Living Waters,” from Song of Songs 4:8-5:1. An audio recording of this class can be listened to:

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