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Light for the World Update & Midweek Service Sermon

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA

Announcements and Midweek Divine Service Sermon

Mount Calvary Mission Meetings

Between October 13 – November 2, we will be holding Mount Calvary Mission Meetings, which will give our church members the opportunity to meet with and discuss the scope and purpose of our Capital Campaign with individuals and families who live within their general vicinity (think the Tribes of Israel only South-Central PA). You should have received an invitation in the mail which includes a brown stamped envelope for returning your RSVP card to the church office. Please drop yours in the mail today or bring it along to church on Sunday! Ideally, we would like each member to attend at least one Mission Meeting. If you have any questions, please reach out to the church okn our contact page.

Mount Calvary is the Light for the World in Lancaster

Good news, we will have one final meeting if you were unable to attend our Campaign Launch on September 24! Lynn Edwards and Eric Velkly will gather with all interested persons in the sanctuary after the service (in place of the Sunday School hour) to go through the campaign brochure and get you up to speed with what is taking place in our building project and capital campaign and answer all the questions that you may have!


Midweek Evening Prayer Service

Mount Calvary midweek evening prayer service was held on Wednesday, October 4 as we observed Wednesday of the Seventeenth Week after Trinity.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is printed in the bulletin.
An audio recording of the sermon is not available.

October 8 Worship and Bible Class Preparation

In our Gospel for Sunday, Jesus interacts with religious leaders during the week of His crucifixion. They are attempting to trap Him in His words, yet with His greater wisdom He silences them by using the sacred scriptures. Jesus teaches that we are called to love God and love our neighbor as ourselves by teaching that He has come as the Son of David and the Lord of David to fulfill the law of love for us. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Readings for this week:

Old Testament: Deuteronomy 10:12-21

Psalm: Psalm 34:8-22

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 1:4-8

Gospel: Matthew 22:34-46

All adults are welcome to join the Adult Bible Class in the Evangelism Wing following our worship service! This Sunday, we will continue our study of Romans as we look at chapter 10. Romans 10:1-21

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