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From The Pastor’s Desk: New & Old Member Class

From the Pastor’s Desk


This summer Pr. Seifferlein will meet after Sunday School in our temporary sanctuary to go through the tenets of our Lutheran faith. In 12 lessons beginning the Sunday after Memorial Day (June 2) and ending on Labor Day weekend (September 1) we will be lead on a journey of surprise through the Small Catechism of Martin Luther as we aim to see this document in a way we have never seen it before. We will be refreshed, encouraged, and revived even as we learn to know our pastor more deeply and learn to interact, love and know the members of the body of Christ here at Mount Calvary. Are you new to Lutheranism or old to Lutheranism? Are you looking for an opportunity to discover again what you have known before? Whatever your situation may be, we invite you to attend this class as you will be transformed to see Luther’s catechism not as a dry technical dogmatic book but a prayer book for the life and daily edification of the Christian. Learn to say, “I am a Small Catechism Christian!” even as we aim to make our congregation one rooted in the simple texts of this amazing book. We will begin just after 11:45 AM. Bring a snack or sack lunch or whatever you need to remain fueled even while you are fueled by the study of God’s Word. We will aim to cover the lesson in an hour and fifteen minutes. Childcare is provided. Can’t make every class or have young kids that preclude your attendance? All of the classes will be audio recorded and published on the internet. Listen at home for those classes you can’t make it and interact during the week with the pastor with your questions.

The Details…

Where? At Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 308 Petersburg Rd. held in our temporary sanctuary.

What time will we meet? We will begin just after 11:45 AM and end by 1:15 PM.

When will the class take place? The class will take place on Sundays in the summer, from the Sunday after Memorial Day weekend, the last class being held on Labor Day weekend.

What will we be covering? We will present the biblical and practical teaching of the entire 6 chief parts of Luther’s Small Catechism.

Who is the class for? Those who are preparing for membership and/or adult confirmation in the Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod will benefit from this class. All are welcome. Childcare is available (text pastor).

What if I miss a few classes? The classes will be recorded and sent out in the Sunday emails.

What about this being over the noon hour? Bring a snack or sack lunch to tide you over. Pr. Seifferlein will likely do the same.

What should I bring? Yourself! Bring a bible or use one that is here. All materials will be provided.

Contact the church with any questions.

In Christ,

Pastor Seifferlein


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