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From the Pastor’s Desk: Happy Birthday Mount Calvary

From the Pastor’s Desk

Happy Birthday Mount Calvary!

Dear Saints at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, As 2023 winds to a close, we gather on the threshold of the year before us, preparing to give thanks to God for 120 years of blessing. The following is a record from our church history about our founding. Is you read these words, humbly consider the work done by our founders in the establishment of this congregation. “On Sunday, January 4, 1904, in a rented room on the second floor of 15 ½ East King Street, the Reverend J. George Borneman, Pastor of St. Paul’s Lutheran Church in Columbia presided over the first worship service of Mount Calvary. The room having previously been furnished with an organ, lectern and baptismal font donated by St. Andrew’s Church in Pittsburgh, also contained 36 newly purchased chairs, and used part of a store counter as an altar. The service was attended by 17 worshipers. Worship services continued there until May of the same year when the Missouri Synod Mission purchased the former St. Matthew’s Church property and furnishings on North Anne Street. Many members of St. Mathew’s joined the original 17 in officially forming Mt. Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church. The Rev. Harry C. Muhly, who later became the first Executive Secretary for Missions and Stewardship in the English District, was installed as the first pastor August 28, 1904. A constitution was quickly drafted, and Mount Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church was formally organized with 24 charter members on September 13, 1904.” As we remember the many days and years of God’s favor, it is fitting that during this 120th year we take up the work of restoring and renewing our sanctuary. As our courageous forefathers and foremothers “made do” with temporary spaces and furnishings, planned, saved, and dreamed for a future place to worship, and completed the behind the scenes work to make it happen, we should be reminded of what they gave us as well as the excitement of working in like manner as they did. Following in their footsteps, we will also this year give, plan, and experience growing pains as we move into a temporary space for worship, awaiting the Lord’s favor. 120 has a special biblical meaning also due to Moses, who in his 120th year was described in this manner. “His eye was undimmed, and his vigor unabated.” (Deuteronomy 34:7) At 120 years of age, may the same be said of us! What can you do in this 120th year of Mount Calvary?

  • Have you turned in a pledge card for our mission expansion campaign? It is not the amount that counts, but it is about your commitment before God to be a part of our work here.
  • Have you renewed your pledge to worship regularly this next year, building up your brothers and sisters in Christ with your zeal, words of encouragement, and singing?
  • Have you renewed your commitment to attend Bible Class or another function of the church where the body of Christ is built up, or to assist in some volunteer capacity so that God can use you to expand the kingdom in this place?

As we begin our 120th year, let us joyfully pray for this congregation and God’s blessings upon it.

Almighty God, You have promised to be with Your Church forever. We praise You for Your presence in this place of worship and ask Your ongoing blessing upon those who gather here. Dwell continually among us with Your holy Word and Sacraments, strengthen our fellowship in the bonds of love and peace, and increase our faithful witness to Your salvation; through Jesus Christ, Your Son, our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. Amen.

Happy 120th, Mount Calvary!

In Christ,
Pr. Seifferlein



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