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Fifth Sunday after Trinity at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

The Fifth Sunday After Trinity at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

SAVE THE DATE! The Philadelphia Circuit of the English District welcomes you to the annual Saints Monica & Augustine Family Retreat to be held on Tuesday, August 15 from 10 AM-3 PM (registration & continental breakfast begin at 9:15 AM) @ Mount Calvary Lutheran Church, 308 Petersburg Rd., Lititz, PA. Preaching and catechesis by Pr. Rob Kieselowsky & Pr. Chris Seifferlein, craft, games, music, and lunch round out this relaxing day as we discuss life together as families under God’s Word. All ages welcome! Cost is free.

Photos are now being taken for the new Mount Calvary directory! Reserve a time to have your photo taken in the Mother’s Room on an upcoming Wednesday or Sunday in July. Sign-up sheets are located on the credenza in the narthex. You may also call or email Liz Velkly (717-560-6751 or to make an appointment. If you are not currently a member but attend Mount Calvary regularly, we would love to include you! No old photos on file will be used so please reserve a time now and assist us in completing this project.

Fifth Sunday after Trinity Divine Service

The disciples were fishing all night. Jesus asked them to cast their nets in the daytime, something that seemed foolish. The catch, nevertheless, was large. Jesus wishes us to follow His commands. He will provide for us out of the storehouses of His riches and bring us to the safe havens of His loving provision. Jesus invitation goes out, “Leave behind your life and way of thinking, and come and follow Me!”
The bulletin can be found here.
The sermon text can be found here.
Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to here:

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