From the Pastor’s Desk: PRIE DIEU
From the Pastor's Desk: PRIE DIEU Deb Lynch’s father Ken Korby was a towering figure in physique and personality. Many of us seminarians had never met him but listened to…
From the Pastor's Desk: PRIE DIEU Deb Lynch’s father Ken Korby was a towering figure in physique and personality. Many of us seminarians had never met him but listened to…
The Confessional Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA 2025 Epiphany Divine Service at Calvary Church Calvary Evangelical Lutheran Church did celebrate the Epiphany of Our Lord on Monday, January 6. This…
Join Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz The First Sunday after Christmas Jesus is presented at the temple at the age of 40 days. Aged saints expecting the Christ exclaim…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Announcements Dining Out Night will be held on Tuesday, January 7 at 6:00 PM for food and fellowship. We will be dining at Houlihan’s, 27 West…
The Traditional Church in Lancaster PA is Mount Calvary Lutheran Church An update on the services held recently at Mount Calvary Church Midweek Advent Series – Join us for Advent…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Updates Midweek Advent Service at Mount Calvary A Midweek Advent Service was held on Wednesday, December 4 as we journey to the island of Crete. Titus…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA Sanctuary Dedication Services Were Filled With Life On Saturday, November 30, as part of our dedication weekend, we held a Saturday Evening Prayer…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is Growing How many Faithful Lutheran Laymen does it take to move a Baptismal Font? Many faithful gathered to chip in and clean much of Mount…
Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA The Events this Week at Mount Calvary Church We will be collecting donations for the men and women of “Good Samaritan Services of Ephrata”…
Lancaster's Confessional Lutheran Church Church Sanctuary Dedication This Weekend in Lancaster PA On Saturday, November 30, as part of our dedication weekend, we will have a Saturday Evening Prayer service…