Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Outreach
Service Opportunities in Community Outreach
Mount Calvary Church is committed to community outreach and impacting the world for Jesus Christ. The Board of Witness and Outreach is focused on strengthening individual and family witness, the equipping and connecting of the congregation to community outreach opportunities, and the furtherance of delivering God’s gifts through local, national, and international missions. Below you will find just a few of the local community outreach and world missions that Mount Calvary is honored to support.
Neffsville Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center

On the 2nd & 4th Wednesday of each month, we conduct a 30-minute service for the residents of Neffsville Nursing and Rehab. Theservice begins at 2:30 PM, but we arrive 20 minutes early to assist insetting up the room, accompanying residents to the solarium, and visiting with them. We distribute hymn books and assist the residents in finding the page Pastor requests. At the end of the service, we collect the hymn books and say farewell to the residents, placing chairs and the altar back into place. Volunteers are requested to serve the residents in Neffsville. 1 John 3:18 says, “Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth.” Luther says, “all the gifts we have we share with those who do not.” This is an opportunity to provide comfort and encouragement to those living out their lives.
Lutherans in Africa

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is mission focused. Through out the year various “Special Mission Offerings” are received and sent in support of local and world wide efforts including Reverend James May with Lutherans in Africa. Lutherans in Africa is focused on training Africans to be equipped as teachers of the faith in spreading the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Trained pastors in Africa are in a severe shortage and providing a solution through education and Lutheran witness is in great need.
A Woman's Concern

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is honored to support A Women’s Concern based in Lancaster, PA. A Woman’s Concern team provide an open door and very inviting space for all women, men, and families that are in need of the services relating to pregnancy, parenting, and sexual health. They empower Lancaster PA families with focused classes, dedicated support, and material assistance as needed.
Good Samaritan Services

Good Samaritan Service exists to restore hope and transform lives. This outreach effort exists to compassionately respond to homelessness and poverty in the Lancaster PA area. Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is actively collecting donations for the men and women of Good Samaritan Services. Items currently in need are kitchen trash bags, wet jet floor cleaner, dish soap, windex, laundry detergent, sandwich bags, aluminum foil and various food items. Please contact the Mount Calvary’s Church office for further details on how you and your family can assist. “It’s so good for our participants to know that the community is for them and wants them to succeed,” said Jeana Graybill of Good Samaritan Services in Ephrata, PA.
House of His Creation

House of His Creation is an amazing life saving organization that believes all young woman and children, pre-born or born, is a precious life that is created in the very image of God. These precious souls are put into situations where they do not know where to turn or what to do and House of His Creation supplies the safest place to heal, grow and learn.
Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is grateful for the work of Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries. They have labored for over 15 years in proclaiming liberty in Christ to the many un-reached residents of Philadelphia. This city is the fifth most populous United States city with over 1.5 million people. The only full time Lutheran Church Missouri Synod pastor in this vast city is supported by Philadelphia Lutheran Ministries to serve all in need.
Lutheran Church Missouri Synod Mission

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church Missouri Synod (LCMS). As a synod, which means to talk together, we actively support many mercy ministries to the United States and the wider world. These include disaster responses, human care ministry, life ministry, healthy ministry, medical teams, children’s ministry, veterans, active duty soldiers and more. The Lord’s unchanging love, acting through many works of mercy, does continue to open the hearts and minds to the Gospel so that lives are being changed and souls are coming into Christ’s body for all eternity.