Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Bible Studies
Sunday Morning Bible Study is held after the Divine Service at 10:30 AM.
Children’s Sunday School is held at the same time after Divine Service on Sunday at 10:30 AM.
Young Families Group
Young families group meets the last Saturday of each month from 5:30 pm to 7:00 pm. Join the group for a potluck (bring a dish to pass) meal and discussion-based study.
After the meal, the children are excused to enjoy some organized playtime.
Women of Mount Calvary
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Men's Bible Breakfast
Men’s Bible Breakfast meets on the Last Saturday of each month at 7:30 am in the Evangelism Wing at Mount Calvary. Come enjoy a hearty breakfast cooked by a fellow member (free will donation of $5), and good conversation with your brothers in Christ.
Confirmation is the historic program in the Lutheran Church of 2-3 years of intense study in the catechism and God’s Word leading to receiving the body and blood of the Lord. (The word confirm means “to strengthen.”) Our program is open to children of any age who have completed the jump start program (see below). The hour and fifteen-minute instruction will take place weekly over Zoom.
Confirmation Jump Start
This program has been implemented for the purpose of getting our children prepared for confirmation. The children will log into Zoom for 30 minutes each week where they will recite a manageable memory assignment, sing a catechism hymn, pray, and hear a small portion of Scripture. The goals of this class are for each child, by the end of the year, to memorize parts of each of the six sections of Luther’s Small Catechism. Based on the parents’ discretion, any child in 3rd grade or above is welcome to take this class.