Updates from Mount Calvary Church in Lancaster PA
The Saints at Mount Calvary are Active this Lenten Season
Please join the Women of Mount Calvary for a Bible Class and time together each month. This month we will look at John chapter 11:1-16, “Jesus Learns that Lazarus is Ill.” All women of the congregation are welcome to attend this class no matter what their knowledge is of the bible. Please speak with Mary Anne Sylvester or Deb Lynch for more information.
All members and friends of Mount Calvary LCMS are invited to share ideas about the future use of study library resources. Responses to this form will be collected and read by our church librarian, Nancy Aument, and her assistants as they work to catalog and revitalize the collections. If you choose to identify yourself, we will treat your responses confidentially and use them only to communicate directly with you. Thank you very much for taking time to respond, and please ask Erin Myers if you need assistance with the online poll or ask Liz Velkly, Church Secretary, if you prefer a printed copy to be placed in your mailbox. Review Online Poll Now
Ash Wednesday Service in Lancaster at Mount Calvary
The saints and sinners gathered on Wednesday, March 5 for an Ash Wednesday Service that was marked by the gift of repentance and faith through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is available here.
An audio recording of the sermon is available:
March 9 Worship & Bible Class
Jesus faces Satan…and wins. Though emaciated after 40 days of fasting, Christ clings to the Word, trusts His Father, and eschews any thought that the devil’s promises are something worth following. He is our champion, come to win the fight against Satan for us. He is our hero, inspiring us soldiers to join the fight. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.
O Lord, throughout these forty days
You prayed and kept the fast;
Inspire repentance for our sin,
And free us from our past.
You strove with Satan, and You won;
Your faithfulness endured;
Lend us Your nerve, Your skill and trust
In God’s eternal Word.
Text: © 1978 Lutheran Book of Worship.
Used by permission: LSB Hymn License no. 110004740
Lenten Hymn Sing – Everyone is enthusiastically invited to sing hymns with your Mount Calvary family in the sanctuary on Sunday right after Divine Service. (That is, right after Coffee and Snack!) This is for everyone, even and especially if you think you can’t sing. We hope to see you there!