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Advent Service and Announcements from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Lancaster Advent Services at Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

A Call for Choir at Mount Calvary

Propers Choir will sing on Sunday, December 17. This informal choir meets before the service on occasional dates to practice pieces to be sung for worship. Propers Choir takes its name from the parts of the liturgy each week that are specific or “proper” to that Sunday such as hymns, psalms, and introits, selections that this choir will often sing. Propers Choir is led by Mr. Gabriel Edwards. Meet in the Choir Room at 8:30AM on Dec. 17 to practice if you can join us! Contact the Church with any questions.

Midweek Liturgical Advent Service at Mount Calvary

A Midweek Advent Service was held on Wednesday, December 13 as we gathered to hear the historic weekday readings for Advent that focus our attention on the ministry and work of St. John the Baptist. On this second Wednesday of Advent we hear about John the Baptist’s life purpose. John the Baptist was given the job to bear witness to Jesus. Today we hear John teaching the crowds that though Jesus first was a follower of him, Jesus was actually a greater person than he was. In fact, John confesses a mysterious thing, that though Jesus came after him, Jesus was actually “before him.” As students of the Holy Bible, we know that Jesus was actually born three months after John was. How can it be that Jesus was before John when Jesus was born after him? John the Baptist gives testimony to Christ’s two natures. Yes, according to His human nature Jesus is born in time and is younger than John, but according to His divine nature, before John even existed, Jesus had always been there! John teaches us something special today about who Christ is, and the Epistle today underscores that just as John the Baptist bore witness to Christ, so God gave the Office of the Holy Ministry. Through the apostles and our pastors we receive the glory of the Gospel. God has sent His ministers to bear witness to the truth that we might believe and be saved.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is available here.

An audio recording of the sermon is available:

Update from Luther Classical Collage

Luther Classical College – The “On the Line” podcast recently featured Pastor Christian Preus and Dr. Ryan MacPherson from Luther Classical College for a two-and-half-hour personal account concerning the school’s founding. Click HERE and HERE to learn more about classical Lutheran education and the founding of this historic college!

December 17 Liturgical Worship & Bible Class

John the Baptist, the one to point to Jesus during an exciting ministry of preaching and baptism, is the one who also pointed to Jesus during the disappointments of his imprisonment. Even in Herod’s prison, John is sending messengers to Jesus as he wonders (and possibly doubts) if Jesus is truly the Promised Messiah. Our haunting questions find their answers as we go to our Lord and Savior Jesus in the places where He is found (in His Word and Sacrament) and listen to His messages to and for us. John shows his greatness in life and in death in pointing us to the source of where our life comes from. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Old Testament: Isaiah 40:1-8

Psalm: Psalm 85:1-13

Epistle: 1 Corinthians 4:1-5

Gospel: Matthew 11:2-10

Please join this week in Adult Bible Class as the focus will be in Romans chapter 13 Paul deals with life in this world. He exhorts us how as Christians we should interact with the authorities, love our neighbor, and avoid the world’s preoccupation with sexual activity, jealousies, and arguments. Come join us in the Evangelism Wing after the service for a time of fellowship and study.

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