Mount Calvary Lutheran Church
Events this week at Mount Calvary Church in Lancaster Pa
Please join the Women of Mount Calvary for a Bible Class and time together on Saturday, January 11 from 11:00 – 12:30 AM. All women of the congregation are welcome to attend this class no matter what their knowledge is of the bible. Please speak with Mary Anne Sylvester or Deb Lynch for more information.
Altar Guild Volunteers Needed – We are in need of volunteers to serve on our Altar Guild. The Altar Guild prepares the altar for communion services and cleans up afterward. You can work alone or with a friend/family member. You can sign up for Sunday services, midweek services, or both. For more information or to join, contact Kip Lynch or Steph Raum, or Contact the Church
Midweek Divine Service was held on Wednesday, January 8.
The bulletin can be found here.
The sermon text is available here.
Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:
Prepare for January 12 Worship & Bible Class
The LORD who fills the temple on high, comes, as a boy of 12, to the temple below! He sits with the religious leaders of Jerusalem, giving them astounding answers. The LORD comes to our temple here on earth, turning us by His teaching from being conformed to this world, and transforming us by His flesh and blood which He gives us into living and forgiven sacrifices that go forth from His presence, renewed, refreshed, and restored. From this temple below, we gain the vision and hope of entering one day the temple above where we will see His face and know as we are known. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.
Adult Bible Class – We’ve made it to chapter 2! This week we will study Song of Songs 2:1-7, “The Lily, the Apple Tree, and the Adjuration about love.” In this fascinating section, we will hear her describe herself, him correct her and tell her that she is not as ordinary as she thinks she is, and then her tell him how lovely she thinks he is. What does an apple tree have to do with it, and how does this speak about who Christ is?