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Mount Calvary Lutheran Church on the 9th Sunday after Trinity

Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA Happens At Mount Calvary

The Ninth Sunday after Trinity We Gathered for Word and Sacrament

This Sunday we will read Luke 16:1-9 and hear the curious story of a manager who was fired for misappropriating his master’s funds (The Parable of the Dishonest Manager). We will learn about the gifts and treasures, both physical and spiritual, that He has richly entrusted to us. We rejoice to welcome Pastor Carl Emberger with us this Sunday. Pr. Emberger serves Christ Memorial Lutheran Church (LCMS) in Malvern where he and his wife have attended since 1974.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is not available.

An audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Adult Bible Class At Mount Calvary Church

Member Catechesis – For New Member Class this week, listen to the following teaching on the Lord’s Supper, Luther’s Recovery of the Words of Institution ( Understand these important words in a way that you never have understood them before.

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