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Lutheran Church in Lancaster PA on The Second Sunday After Trinity

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church This Week

Corrections to Recent Announcement on Building Campaign

Two Corrections – There are two corrections to the letter that was sent this week to congregational members which gave the update of our project and encouraged accelerated giving.

First, the name of the HVAC company we are using is Clark Inc., not Clark & Associates. These are two different firms. See this website if you would like more information on the company that we are using: Clark Inc.

Second, it was reported that the congregation received pledges of $932,184. We were using an earlier number for initial pledges received. Since that time of initial pledging, our pledges have increased to $993,624.

We apologize for our error.

Lutheran Vacation Bible School at Mount Calvary

Vacation Bible School continues at Mount Calvary every Wednesday evening in June! All ages are invited! Our theme this year is David and the Psalms. Here is the upcoming schedule: June 12, 6:00 PM – Art Activity; June 19, 6:00 PM – Show & Tell your instrument; June 26, 5:30 PM – Guest speaker teaching us about pipe organs! Each evening concludes with Evening Prayer at 7 PM and wraps up by 8 PM.

The Second Sunday After Trinity

Jesus invites us to the feast of wisdom. It is a different feast than the world offers. The invitation to dine at the banquet that bestows life and understanding rings out even to you. “Come, for all things are now ready.”

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is available here.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Adult Bible Class – This week we will study Daniel chapter 5, “King Belshazzar & The Handwriting on the Wall.” Our audio recording of this class can be listened to:

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