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The First Sunday After Trinity At Mount Calvary Lutheran Church

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz PA The First Sunday After Trinity

Update on Vacation Bible School 2024

Vacation Bible School will be held at Mount Calvary every Wednesday evening in June! Join us for our Kick-Off VBS Hot Dog Picnic on June 5 at 5:45 PM. All ages are invited! Our theme this year is David and the Psalms. Here is the schedule: June 12, 6:00 PM – Art Activity; June 19, 6:00 PM – Show & Tell your instrument; June 26, 5:30 PM – Guest speaker teaching us about pipe organs! Each evening concludes with Evening Prayer at 7 PM and wraps up by 8 PM.

Lending a Helping Hand This Weekend

VOLUNTEERS NEEDED! Paula Trimpey is in need of assistance on Saturday, June 8 as she moves from an apartment in Reading to a new home in Ephrata. Meet at 54-5 Holly Dr. in Reading at 8 AM or thereabouts as a provided truck is loaded and taken to 1200 Martin Ave. in Ephrata. A crew of 5-8 persons assisting for 3-4 hours will get the job done. Please sign up your availability here or on the sign up sheet in the narthex.

New Member Class – Due to technical difficulties, this session was not recorded. It will be re-recorded and sent out at a later date.

The First Sunday After Trinity Sermon At Mount Calvary

Our lesson for the day is the Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus. Even in poverty, sickness, and untimely death, Jesus is the hope of every Christian.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is available here.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:

Adult Bible Class – This week we will complete Daniel chapter 5, “Nebuchadnezzar’s Second Dream.” Our audio recording of this class can be listened to:

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