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Lutheran Divine Service Midweek at Mount Calvary and Readings for this Sunday

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Weekly Announcements

Mount Calvary Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Breakfast will meet at 7:30 AM on Saturday, May 25 at the Lititz Family Cupboard Restaurant, 12 W Newport Rd, Lititz. Come enjoy a hearty breakfast and good conversation with your brothers in Christ. This month we continue our study on manliness as we look at the life of Hezekiah. Join us as we strengthen our understanding in our God-given roles as men in our lives, church, and world.  

Young Families Group Meet From Mount Calvary

Young Families Group and the Young at Heart will meet Saturday, May 25 at 5:30 PM for a potluck (bring a dish or two to pass) and discussion-based study at the Seifferlein home. After supper, the children will be excused to enjoy some organized playtime. We are continuing John Kleinig’s book “Wonderfully Made: A Protestant Theology of the Body.” In this book study we hope to dig into the deep mystery of our bodies, who made them, why they matter, and what they were made for. We will consider, along the way, how many (if not most) of the issues facing our modern Western culture are over the purpose, use, and importance of the body. We will learn to see our bodies how God sees them.

Lutheran Divine Service on Wednesday Evening

A Midweek Divine Service was held on Thursday, May 22.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is not available.

Our audio recording of this sermon can be listened to:


Sunday Divine Service for May 26 Propers Reading & Adult Bible Class

Holy Trinity Sunday ends the festival or first half of the church year. Having celebrated Advent, Christmas, Epiphany, Lent, Easter, and Pentecost, the church rejoices in one last grand round of celebration to the Holy Trinity, true God, the Father who created and made us, the Son who redeems us, and the Spirit who makes us a home in the Holy Christian Church and will raise up our bodies on the last day. Join us as we speak the Athanasian Creed and as we sing many hymns in praise to the Holy Trinity. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

This Sunday’s Readings:

Old Testament: Isaiah 6:1-7

Psalm: Psalm 29:1-11

Epistle: Romans 11:33-36

Gospel: John 3:1-15

    Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to Thee;
Holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty!
God in three persons, blessèd Trinity!

Text: Public domain

Join us for a Hymn Sing during Bible Class! Everyone is enthusiastically invited to sing 10 or 12 hymns with your Mount Calvary family in the sanctuary on Sunday after Divine Service. This is for everyone, even and especially if you think you can’t sing. We hope to see you there!

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