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Midweek Updates from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church – Light for the World

Announcements from Mount Calvary Lutheran Church in Lititz

Women of Mount Calvary Bible Class

Please join the Women of Mount Calvary for a Bible Class and time together on Saturday, November 11 from 2-3:30 PM. This month we will look at John chapter 8:12 as we consider Jesus returning to the theme that He is the light of the world. All women of the congregation are welcome to attend this class no matter what their knowledge is of the bible. Please speak with Mary Anne Sylvester or Deb Lynch for more information.

Mount Calvary Campaign Commitment Celebration

All who call Mount Calvary their worship home are invited to attend our Commitment Celebration on Sunday, November 12! We all will have the chance to bring our prayerfully considered commitments for the Mount Calvary Mission Campaign before the Lord. Remember to bring your completed Commitment Card to church that day! (We will also have extras available.) Pastor will hold a special Bible Study in the sanctuary. After that we will joyfully celebrate this historic step forward in our congregation’s history with food and fellowship. See you there!

Congregational Meeting at Mount Calvary this Week

A Congregational Meeting will be held Sunday, November 19 following the Worship Service. This meeting will include voting to approve the Budget for 2024 and fill several leadership positions. The following is a list of candidates for election for these positions: Chairperson of Witness and Outreach – Steve Kurtz; Chairperson of Social Ministry – Mary Anne Sylvester; President – Jim Esterby. Any voting member of the congregation may submit additional names for inclusion on the list of candidates prior to the election. Two new Elders will also need to be ratified. The proposed 2024 Budget is available here. Printed copies will be provided upon request. Please review the proposed Budget prior to the meeting. To save time at the meeting, please submit questions and comments on the Budget to Ron Stiegler prior to the meeting by email or in writing, placed in his Church mailbox in the narthex. Thank you in advance for your participation in this important meeting.

Mount Calvary Church Midweek Divine Service

Our Midweek Divine Service was held on Wednesday, November 8 as we observed Wednesday of the Twenty-second Week after Trinity.

The bulletin for the service is available here.

The sermon text is not available.

An audio recording of the sermon is available:

November 12 Worship & Bible Class at Mount Calvary

When confronted with the civic duty of paying taxes after being shown a coin, our Lord Jesus spoke of rendering to Caesar and God both the things that are due to them. With this answer He amazed and silenced His opponents who were hoping to trap Him in His Words. Our Lord did more, however, than speak this truth, He lived it as that week He rendered to God perfect fear, love, and trust even as He suffered on the cross for the complete sacrifice for our sin. He also rendered to Caesar the things of honor and justice, submitting to the law of the land under Pontius Pilate that put Him on the cross. We rejoice in our Lord even as we think of our duties to God and to country. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

Old Testament Reading: Proverbs 8:11-22

Epistle Reading: Philippians 3:17-21

Gospel Reading: Matthew 22:15-21

In Bible Class we will examine the fascinating record of the monetary support of the early church by the early Christians. How did Jesus “pay the bills” when he spent his time as a full-time wandering preacher? How were regular bodily needs of food, lodging, and clothing for Jesus and the 12 disciples provided for when they had left everything (careers as carpenters, fishermen, and tax collectors) to carry out the work of the Gospel? We will look in a surprising place to see who it was who organized the first efforts to fund the mission of the early Church. It comes in a surprising place and from a surprising person.

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