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Midweek Divine Service & Funeral Service for Rich Meier

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church Announcements

Mount Calvary Men’s Bible Study

Men’s Bible Study Breakfast will meet at 7:30 AM on Saturday, October 28 in the Evangelism Wing at Mount Calvary. Come enjoy a hearty breakfast cooked by a fellow member (free will donation of $5), and good conversation with your brothers in Christ. This month we continue our study on manliness as we look at the life of Joshua. Join us as we strengthen our understanding in our God-given roles as men in our lives, church, and world.

The Young Families & Young At Heart Gathering

Young Families Group and the Young at Heart will meet Saturday, October 28 at 5:30 PM for a potluck (bring a dish or two to pass) and discussion-based study. After supper, the children will be excused to enjoy some organized playtime. We have started a new study on Nancy Pearcey’s book, “The Toxic War on Masculinity, How Christianity Reconciles the Sexes.” Is masculinity “toxic”? Books have appeared with titles like I Hate Men and Are Men Necessary? We will be taken on a fascinating excursion through American history as we see that research shows that authentically committed Christian men test out as the most loving and engaged husbands and fathers having the lowest rates of divorce and domestic violence of any group in America. Christianity has the power to overcome toxic behavior in men and reconcile the sexes. Join us for this study as we talk about boys, girls, men, women, marriage, parenting, family, and the Word of God.

Funeral Service for Rich Meier at Mount Calvary Church

A funeral service for Rich Meier was held at Mount Calvary on Wednesday, October 25.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is available here.
An audio recording of the sermon is available below.
Richard W. Meier Obituary | Lancaster, PA | Charles F. Snyder Funeral Home


On October 25 the service for Christian burial was observed for Mr. Rich Meier. His 1913 Model T was on display as saints gathered to commemorate his life in Christ and remember Christ’s promises in death. Blessed be his memory!

Mount Calvary Lutheran Church’s Midweek Service

Our Midweek Divine Service was held on Wednesday, October 25 as we observed Wednesday of the Twentieth Week after Trinity.
The bulletin for the service is available here.
The sermon text is available here.
An audio recording of the sermon is available:

October 29 Worship & Bible Class at Mount Calvary

This Sunday we will celebrate the Feast of the Reformation which commemorates Martin Luther nailing the 95 Theses on the door of the Castle Church in Wittenberg. Meant as an invitation in a university setting to several points of disputation, the document was quickly and widely distributed throughout Europe. It is considered the defining moment where the Reformation of the Church began, having as its aim to rid her of accumulated abuses and bringing her and her people back to the true fount of Sacred Scripture. You may prepare by reading the Propers of the day.

      A mighty fortress is our God,
A trusty shield and weapon;
He helps us free from ev’ry need
That hath us now o’ertaken.
The old evil foe
Now means deadly woe;
Deep guile and great might
Are his dread arms in fight;
On earth is not his equal.

Text: Public domain

Change can be taxing. Taking on a large project can seem daunting, but we should take comfort in knowing we aren’t going at it alone! Not only do we have each other, but we can look to God’s people of the past for guidance. Join us for the next two weeks of Sunday School as we continue looking at events in Holy Scripture where projects like our own were tackled by God’s people.  Look at the challenges they faced, the work they put in, and the things that were accomplished by God’s grace and blessing. Be encouraged and inspired as we think about the role we each have in this historic time at Mount Calvary. This week we will continue our discussion of Nehemiah & God’s People Rebuild the Temple after a time of National Unfaithfulness – Nehemiah chapter 1 & following.

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